Sun, Nov 17 and Nov 18 7 pm
Production Dates: Mar 28 - April 6
Director: Tricia Williams
Stage Manager: Holly Husovic
Music Director: Steve Amburgey
Choreographer: Sarah Crouch
Assistant Director: Anslee Byrd
Audition Information
Auditions open to all ages
Please prepare a 24-36 bar song in the style or from the show with recorded accompaniment.
Sides will be readings from the script.
You may prepare a one minute monologue if you wish. All monologues will be heard but side readings may be limited.
Edward – older man (father and beyond, actor ages 35-60). Edward is a charming, charismatic storyteller. A devoted yet absent father nearing the end of his life and wanting to reconnect with his son. He is comfortable in his own skin, but hopes for Will’s approval. He absolutely loves his wife, his son, and telling stories. Songs: Be the Hero Fight the Dragons Showdown Start Over How It Ends
Young Edward – young man (everything before fatherhood, actor age 18-30). Young Edward is an enthusiastic, optimistic, energetic romantic. He needs to steal our hearts and make us buy into the fabulous myths that he enters. He is the quintessential hometown boy hero. Needs a big voice. Plays ages ranging from high school to late 20s/ early 30s. Very good mover. Songs: Out There on the Road Time Stops Closer to Her Daffodils Red White and True
Sandra – older woman (married and beyond, actor ages 25-55). Sandra is patient, calm – the perfect balance to Edwards enthusiasm. She adores and appreciates Edward and tries to bring reconciliation to her husband and son, both of whom she loves. Needs a mellow ballad voice. Very little movement. Songs: Two Men in My Life I Don’t Need a Roof
Young Sandra – young woman (before married, actor ages 15-30). Young Sandra is a lovely, sweet, fresh-faced, innocent young girl excited by the possibilities of life. She appreciates Edward’s romantic viewpoint. Needs a big voice, expressive acting ability, and a good bit of dance ability. Songs: Alabama Lambs Time Stops Daffodils Red, White, and True
Will – adult actor ages 20-30). Will is a critical part of the story. He is an earnest, serious, thoughtful young man wanting to reconnect with his storytelling father, but unable to appreciate Edward’s romantic view of life. He is a successful professional and new husband. He has to able to take us on the journey of understanding and make us believe the complex relationship and final heartfelt embrace of his father’s legacy. Needs a strong tenor voice. No dance. Serious character acting.Songs:Strangers Strangers Reprise Showdown What’s Next Be the Hero – Reprise
Josephine – (actor ages 18-30). Will’s wife. Successful adult, sweet, intelligent, and organically compatible with Will. Josephine acts as the bridge between Edward and Will, explaining the deeper meaning of the stories. Often on stage. No singing. No dance. Serious character acting
Karl – the Giant. (actor ages 18-40). Edward’s best friend. Karl is shy, exceptionally intelligent, hermit- like, and has a quiet charisma. He needs a booming voice and large personality. Needs to be decently tall, but not a “giant.” Bass voice. Ability to walk on stilts. Songs: On the Road Start Over
Amos – adult male, circus owner (actor ages 30-50). Amos is the rather eccentric, quirky owner of the circus that employs young Edward. He also happens to be a werewolf (in Edward’s tales). Needs an actor able to portray strong, outgoing personality and humor. Sings, but not necessarily great voice. Doesn’t need to move, but good stage presence essential. Character voice. Songs: Closer to Her Start Over
Witch – adult female (actor age 20-40). Commanding performer with great confidence and storytelling ability. She convinces Edward to pursue a Big Life without fear. Needs belt voice, mezzo soprano. Some dance, could be extensive. Songs: I Know What You Want
Young Jenny Hill – young cheerleader (actor age 13-19). Edward’s devoted, first girlfriend. She is beautiful, a dreamer, maybe a little blonde. Needs loud belt. Some movement. Also included in ensemble. Songs: Ashton’s Favorite Son Out There On The Road
Adult Jenny Hill – adult . Very tired, disillusioned version of the younger Jenny. She has dignity and honesty. She is crucial in helping Will understand Edward and Edward’s motivations. No movement, but serious acting needed. Also included in ensemble.
Don Price – (high school age 13-18) Older snarky bully. Sandra’s first fiancé. Needs a bigger than life acting style. Possible movement but not crucial. Songs: Out There on the Road Start Over
Don Price - (actor ages 20-45,). Older snarky bully. May also be Mayor Songs: Out There on the Road Start Over
Zacky Price – (high school,age 13-18)
Zacky Price ( later, actor ages 20-45). Nerdy brother and shadow of Don Price.
Doctor Bennett – considerably older man (actor ages 45-75). Warm, kind, frank, soft-spoken friend and physician of Edward. Needs realistic actor. No singing or dancing necessary
Red Fang – male, assassin (actor ages 18-28). World War II villain. Needs fight scene movement abilities
Ashton Mayor – adult male (actor ages 30-60). Typical small town good-guy mayor personality.
Alabama Lambs – two of Sandra’s friends (actors age 15-25). Perform with Sandra at the circus. Needs strong singing and dancing skills.
Fisherman – adult male (actor age 18-35) hometown redneck Needs strong singing and dancing skills
Young Will - ages 8-15 - must be willing to sing - preferably tenor
Ensemble -- Assorted ages, age 13 and older. All sing and move. Some individuals will do extensive dance, but not all.